Monday, 14 October 2013


Our attention is attracted to the television screen as soon as we read the words "Breaking News" flashing brightly on it! We need some 'masala' in our lives, something sensational!

So when we heard that a certain cyclone called Phailin was approaching the eastern coast of India, our eyes got glued to the television screen. We didn't bother about our phone account getting discharged while we searched the internet for 'latest news' about the cyclone.

The cyclone was supposed to make its landfall at around 6 pm the day before yesterday in and around Gopalpur in Orissa. While the people in Orissa and Andhra Pradesh were surrounded by darkness(owing to the cut in electricity supply), the rest of India was shuffling the news channels!

The landfall was supposed to happen at 6. But, it was getting delayed. Some channels said that it wouldn't happen at anytime before 8 pm. So, we waited.

The cyclone did cause damage in the areas it landed first. But, around 4,50,000 people had been evacuated before the arrival of the storm. So, this cyclone, though capable of greater destruction, couldn't harm us much! :-)

Believe me when I say that a lot of people were disappointed. Why? Because, like I said, we need some breaking news in our lives, something sensational, mind-boggling!

I wanted to have a 'cyclone-experience... But, as I write, I am having a mild experience of Phailin. And? It's NOT good! :-P

But, owing to human nature, I guess I will be glued once again to the television screens when I come to know of an approching disaster(And, yeah, its something to be proud of)...

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Navratri Day 4

Couldn't get pictures for the third day, so, lets move on to the fourth day!

Its very different here! Pandals are no where to be seen! There are no long queues of people waiting to catch a glimpse of Maa.

Like I said, there are no pandals here(at least I've not seen any so far). But, you can still see colourful lights illuminating the city. And many places have been decorated for the occassion!

Have a look at these two pics
(outside a mall)...

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Navratri Day 2

Yesterday, we came back home at around 11.30!!! And I slept at 1! :-P
This morning I woke up with a sore foot(uh-oh!). I just hope it doesn't trouble me much...

Well I am looking forward to the evening! :D

Today's also my mom's birthday! So, I would like to wish my mom a very happy birthday! Have a great day and year ahead!!! Love you ♡

So, here are two pictures from Day 2 :-)

Navratri Day 1

Okay, so this is the first time I'm celebrating Navratri. Brought up in the eastern side of India, Durga Puja had always been about visiting Pandals. This is a very new experience for me and honestly, I am loving it! ;) 
I had never played Dandiya(something which is very famous here) in my entire life! I had my first shot at Dandiya today. Initially, I was a mess and felt pretty awkward. But, I finally learnt it. I hope I am able to master it in the next few days!!! ;)

So here are some(actually only 2 :P) pictures from the first day: 

Happy Navratri folks! Enjoy!!! 

Musings and the #KfcProposal