Thursday, 1 January 2015

Hold on.

Memories. Some highly convoluted part of your brain holds them. Holds on to them very tightly. Granting you access everytime you want. You can keep storing stuff for the rest of forever. It's never 'full'.

We make memories every year. The good ones, the not-so-good-ones, the too good ones, the pretty ones, the ugly ones... The list can go on forever...! 

When things end, well, they end. And more often than not, you feel bad. The end of a good movie, a fun trip, your favourite show or your phone balance! xD Of course, there is this other kind of endings, the one you look forward to. The end of a bad rom-com, the end of your exams, a rough time, a long tiring walk, etc.

When a year ends, we have a really crazy feeling inside us. A sense of anticipation and anxiety about the year to come. But, we also look forward to creating some awesome memories and having new experiences. 

You'll always find a bunch of people around you swearing about the year that just ended. But, here's something for them(or for you, in case you happen to be one of 'em), you're exactly where you're supposed to be. I'm not much of a fatalist, but, I do believe in the saying that the Universe has got a plan and the plan's always in action. Always. 

So, go ahead. Make new memories. Enjoy 2015. Make it your best year. But, hold on to the previous ones. Hold on tightly, for they do offer you a lot more than you think. 

Start filling the pages of a brand new diary. And as they say, write a good one. :) 

Musings and the #KfcProposal