Yesterday, I walked up to the icecream parlour near my house. I looked at all the options available. You see, I have a few flavours of ice-cream that I stick to. You wouldn't find me experimenting with others. So, I always asked for a scoop of Bavarian Chocolate, Mississippi mud or the Belgian one. I never went beyond these few choices.
However, when you decide to try all flavours, you need to subject your taste buds to a few unpalatable ones! Yikes! And so I decided to try the first one there. It's called "Cotton Candy". It's priced less, for obvious reasons! It tastes sooo sweet, and reminded me of the pink fluffy things that were sold outside my school. They would stick around my mouth. And taste like the most horribly sweet thing in the world!!
The color of the ice cream is Pink with Purple patches. However, I've only seen Pink and White cotton candies. Neverthesless, thanks to the Purple of the ice-cream, my lips were a weird shade of purplish blue after finishing my scoop. :P
I forgot to take a picture of the Ice-cream. I really wanted to. It just makes the whole goal completing thing more fun! :D But, here's a picture I found online for your reference. :D
I've still got 30 more icecreams to taste.
Oh, and I've also decided to provide a random reason for eating an icecream.
So, the reason for eating yesterday's icecream was - I spent 25 minutes on the treadmill, which is 5 minutes more than my usual duration. :D
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