Saturday 14 July 2012

On 12th of this month, I celebrated my 14th birthday! I realised on that day, that time really flies. It seems only yesterday when I was waiting to turn into a teen. 
Birthdays are always special, especially when it is your's ;) 
It is special because, on this day, everyone makes you realise how special you are to them. 
Honestly, I think that my 14th birthday was the best birthday of my life! A surprise birthday party, awesome gifts and lots and lots of fun are the perfect ingredients for a perfect birthday! 
Birthday Gifts

My mum and dad had organised a surprise birthday party! And all these days, I had no idea about it! 
It really made me feel special..
A big thank-you also goes to my friends who turned up and made me feel all the more happier and pleased! I can't believe how they kept the secret to themselves...! Hats-off to my dearest parents and friends.
So, coming to back to birthdays in general, I don't believe that for a birthday you always need big, pompous celebrations.. It has, it is and it will always be the love that you get on this day, that makes you feel special. Gifts, parties are just ways through which you can express your love for your near and dear ones. Let me clarify, its not that I don't like gifts and parties.. Honestly, I love them! But, I just want to write about things that I love about birthdays, apart from gifts and parties! 
I also did a bit of a calculation today. Turns out, that I have spent 5114 days on this earth! That is quite some time! I bet, two out of three people have done this sort of a calculation at some point of their lives.. 
One of the best things to do on a birthday is to go through your childhood photographs. I was going through mine and I was thinking, "I looked like that years ago!". Ten or say fifteen years from now, I will again look back at those pictures. I wonder what would I think then!
Now, I am running out of time as well as things to write in this particular post.. So, in brief, birthdays come once in a year. But, one should celebrate oneself every day, every moment of forever! 


Musings and the #KfcProposal