Sunday, 1 March 2015

Uh, what's the weather exactly like?

"What's the weather like?" 
"It's nice and sunny". The moment you hear Siri say anything like that, be prepared for some good amount of rainfall before the day comes to an end.

Two weeks ago, we were all cribbing about how cold it is. I used to be completely curled up in my blanket. Mom used to sit in front of the good-for-nothing heater and warm her hands and make an unsuccessful attempt to warm mine. And we used to crib, yes of course. We thought about the good old days in the eastern part of the country where one could hardly differentiate between summer and winter. It always seemed hot. It is perpetually summer all through the year there. I don't have a thing against winter. In fact, I kind of like it. But, it's only good when you can stay rolled up in your bed, blanket over your head, all day long. That doesn't happen in real life, so, my fondness for winter is limited(obviously!).

Two days back, I was having a tough time trying to sleep. I went to bed at about 12 and then I remember not getting any sleep at all. I checked the time, it was 12.44 am. I think I slept thirty minutes later. The reason behind my troubled sleep: It was not hot enough to turn on the fan, and not cold enough to use the blanket. So, I switched on the fan on a really low speed. Put the blanket over me, one leg sticking out. And slept. I woke up again, in the morning. Around dawn. Why? Because, suddenly I felt cold. So, I switched off the fan, blanket over my head, and dozed off. 

What do you think the weather is like right now? 

Well, it's been raining since yesterday. And not the drizzle-kind-of-rain, it's the rain-kind-of-rain! Wind's blowing wild, and it's pretty chilly outside. It's chilly inside too! The clouds have covered the sky. The sun's playing peek-a-boo. And we're all confused about the weather. 

Siri's prediction though for the next few days? Warm and sunny. ;)

P.S. We love you Siri, we do (even though you kind of declined my polite request to be my valentine, because you lacked a corporeal form!) ;) 

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Musings and the #KfcProposal