Sunday 2 June 2013

#LifeOfAStudent Post 19 : Exams!!!

This is the second last post by me under #LifeOfAStudent. And this time I am going to write on a topic that's clearly the most important(the most hyped and also the most dreaded) part of a student's life. I'm sure you've already guessed that the topic for the penultimate post is exams...

I studied till class four from a school which didn't have exams for the students till class six. So, obviously, my idea about exams was very poor. We used to have simple tests based on which we were awarded grades. That's all! I didn't know what I was missing till I came to bbsr. In bbsr, the school had exams for students of every class! :O And funnily enough, the first ever exam that I gave was on my birthday. My birthday fell on a Saturday that year and I had that day to enjoy before I started my revision for Monday's exam. For me exams were just tests where you needn't re-write the questions(I find it really annoying to write the questions first and then the answers). During exams our bags would be lighter and not just that we'll get to show off our one-shoulder bags. ;) And we also get back home soon. :D During exams, all sorts of junk-food are brought for my comfort(on other days however, I'll have to hear about my increasing stock of adipose tissue)! :P

Exams can be panicky for some, even for those students who have prepared before-hand. Sometimes, we don't feel confident enough or we unnecessarily strive for perfection or both(as in my case last year).

Since my roll number was always between 10 & 15, I got to sit in my own classroom. Even though, I do not cheat and neither do I support it, I am always curious about my exam partner. The persons we used to sit with(in higher classes, we were supposed to sit alone) would either be our juniors or seniors. Unfortunately, most of the times I've got really boring partners who wouldn't talk after the exam time gets over(we are supposed to remain seated for around 10-15 minutes after we submit our papers). So, we always change places to sit with our classmates only to be sent back to our benches by the invigilator.

Invigilators can be pretty annoying too. Some of them just can't stop talking. Actually they are talking to ask some of us not to talk while the exam is going on but they themselves continue chirping! And it's really hard to concentrate then! -_- Some of them take ages to come to your bench to hand you an extra sheet and sometimes they don't even notice till you scream "Ma'am/ Sir" out loud only to get the glares of the other students.

My best companion during exams is my water bottle. It calms me down. I put my pen down, give my fingers a bit of rest and take in a good amount of water before starting with the next section of the question paper. But when we have lots of questions and not that much time, the bottle's avoided for good. During such papers and during the last 5 minutes of the writing time, all students acquire supernatural powers to write at lightning speed. :P

If you notice my answer sheets you'll think that 3-4 students have together written it. The handwriting on the first 2 pages will be really nice, even beautiful! The words will be properly spaced, no cuts and no blots. After that, I just get tired of impressing my teacher with a beautiful handwriting and start writing in my style. Every answer seems to be written in a different way. Some words will be written in italics and some in no real format. :P I have to give credit to my teachers for understanding it! ;)

When I get my answer sheets, I love seeing the tick marks. Some of the teachers will give such long ones and some little, tiny ones! :P I know this is stupid. But, I love observing it! ;)

If I am writing about exams and not mentioning cheating, I'll be doing great injustice to the students across the globe. Cheating comes hand-in-hand with exams. It's so embarrassing when someone asks you for an answer, and you simply look away 'cause cheating's against your principles. Believe me, I've had such experiences more than a couple of times. Thankfully, in my previous school, people stopped asking 'cause they realised I suddenly lose my speech and hearing abilities during the exams! ;) I hope my new school mates don't take too long to figure that out. ;)

When exams get over, students keep wishing each other "Happy Independence Day!". They would go out for movies, small parties at cafeterias and what not? Well, after months of effort(and just days for some), I think we all deserve it! :) So, with that I end my 19th post. However, I'm pretty excited about my 20th post 'cause it's pretty close to my heart. So, I guess you'll see it really soon. :D

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