Monday 7 May 2012

The small circle

People surround you. All kinds of them. There are the sugary sweet ones, the sarcastic ones, the critical, the highly-appreciating and many more. No one is the same entirely. All have a different nature altogether. All play a role too, in their own way. I have had different experiences with different people. My experiences have also been of different kinds. There have been people having similar thoughts as mine, similar opinions of things. Then there have been people who share not a similar interest. Most of the time I end up fighting with these people on the topics we have differing views. But, among all other humans, their is a small group of them - who are closer to you than anything or anyone else. This small group consists of people whom we call family or friends. These people are special. They may not have entirely the same similar thoughts like yours. They may totally differing thoughts. But, we still trust them beyond everything. We still love them beyond everything. if someone asks me to write down the names of the people that hold this special place, it would be easy to some extent. After writing down a few names I would perhaps stop. I would think that who else owns the same place. But, then I would realise that its difficult to choose. That I don't have the right to choose. These people made their way through without me having the need to choose them. That's what makes them special - more special than all others. 
And when they hurt you - its shattering. We feel as if they caused pain to us. We feel as if they don't trust us. Maybe that's not really the right feeling. Maybe we should try and take the situation from their perspective. That's not an easy thing to do and maybe in all the anger one would not be able to do it. What can we do then?
Just sit back and let anger take the better of our mind and heart. That's easy. But, isn't it meant to be easy?Aren't the wrong paths always meant to be easy and as soft as bed of roses? At one point I do think that I should do the same when I am thrown into a similar situation. But, maybe, its wrong to act so. You need to channel your emotions so that it harms no one, not even you. 
Talking to the other person might just be the best option. But, its risky and may not even be successful. The other person might be angry, just like you. But, you've got to take chances. It takes time, maybe a lot of time. But, it finally does succeed. 
The results are better than plan A(sitting and letting the anger get the better of you). The other is difficult but its the right path. And who said, its going to be easy? But, you know and I know that the results will be worth all the time and patience and wait.

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