Friday 24 May 2013

#LifeOfAStudent Post 14 : Writings ;)

"You can never be old and wise if you were not young and crazy!". That is so true. And to be crazy the first thing that you'll require is to get admitted to a school 'cause being crazy is frankly all about being a student! With that thought, I begin my 14th post...

If you are confused about what exactly being crazy means, go check out the desks in my previous school, or any school for that matter. Using desks as a platform to express their creativity, emotions and yes, of course, their anger is something that you can call the work of an absolutely crazy person(in other words the work of a student). ;)

Some people are obsessed with writing their names. Praga(my friend) is obsessed with her name!. She would write her name on the last page of my rough notebooks. It would seem very bizarre to a person, who's not aware of her obsession, to see her name written all over the last pages of my notebooks . But, she won't stop and I eventually stopped worrying about it.

Like her, a lot of people scribble their names across the desks. It's an absolute mess because sometimes, you are unable to figure out any name. Students don't just write names. They draw too. Actually, I think it's the boys who are responsible  for all the art works on the desks. Why do I say that? That is because you will find drawings of huge, scary-looking cars, Bakugan characters(I guess) and other monster-like looking cartoons. When girls draw you are more likely to find drawings of... well, other angel-like girls! :P 

There was one desk which had the names of maybe 50 brands! That's just insane! :P

In every class(I am talking about senior classes), you'll find things like "This class rocks", "8 A Batch 2010-11 : the best batch ever" written on the desks. You'll also notice things written against teachers or other students. Well the students(against whom it has been written) simply scratch out the remark or scribble something in written. :P

You'll find poems, quotes, drawings, names and everything that you could ask for! It's always fun to read the write-ups. But, you can get into trouble if the teacher finds out. :P

Well, this may be illegal but it's fun. And I know it 'cause I have done it! :P I think it was in 8th standard when I and Aru(my friend) would write down the names of the contestants on Master Chef Australia on the desks. If you go to that class, and if the benches haven't been replaced or painted, you'll find Hayden, Michael & Callum written on quite a lot of them. We were huge fans and we still are! :D You'll also find sketches of cheesecakes and cupcakes. You would then see "8A rocks" written using black markers and pencils. We wrote it on all the benches(I guess) on the last day of 8th standard. It was illegal. But, let's agree we only love the things that we weren't supposed to do, but we did anyway(That's something I heard on a TV show and I so agree)!

So, yeah, be crazy! It's worth it and always fun! :D Goodbye! 

1 comment:

  1. It used to be so much fun! We used to express our dessert ideas through those benches. ;)


Musings and the #KfcProposal