Sunday 5 May 2013

#LifeOfAStudent Post 2 : School Bags

You can't go to a school without a school bag on your shoulders! It is probably the most important part of a student's life. So, how can I not write it under #LifeOfAStudent? 

You'll find school bags of so many sizes, designs and colours. There are some with just two parts, one for the books and one for the lunch box. Then there are some with several parts, one for keeping the notebooks, one for books, one for lunch box and so on. Some bags have small pockets in the inside which are being used by the students very skilfully to bring illegal items to school(I, however, do not belong to that daring class of students). :P

There is one negative aspect of school bags. They are very heavy! I believe my school bag would weigh anywhere near 5 kgs if I place it on a weighing machine. :/  
In the vans, which take us to school, the first sentence that greets a child is, "Take your bags off". And if a child sits with his bags on, almost everyone curses the child for not allowing them to sit comfortably. In school, the bag is placed either on the seat or on the floor.  When the bag is placed between two people sharing a seat, it can lead to arguments. Seriously! "You keep your bag on the floor", one would say and the other would reply, "You put your's down". This is one of the problems of not having a good partner. You definitely can't keep your bags on the seat when your partner or you yourself occupy too much of space. Two healthy people(healthy - the polite word for fat) on one bench leads to the bag being kept on the floor. But no one's likes placing their bags on the floor! "They'll get dirty", is the reason given. :P

The main problem arises when you're sitting with a person of the opposite sex and you decide to keep your bags on the floor because that's when all the "oohs- aahs" begin. Sick, I know! :P

During the rainy season, every student has just one concern : his/her school bag! They would do anything to save them! They would covers their bags with their raincoats and will themselves get wet. Of course, they won't admit that they are loving getting wet in the rain in fear of the scoldings they would receive from teachers or parents. :P 

And when the rain seeps in through our bags to our precious books, that's when we start cursing the bags! But, they aren't at fault. We should have controlled our desires to get drenched. :P

So bags, of all sizes and shapes, are important. They are a part of a student. His/Her identity. How often have we heard sentences like, "That boy with the red bag" or "The girl with barbie bag"? :D

By the way, I've got a red one. What about you? :)

1 comment:

  1. Go for Disney school bags for stylish and quality bags with online shopping facility :)


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