Wednesday 8 May 2013

#LifeOfAStudent Post 5 : Monitors

Q. Who are monitors?
Ans : Poor blokes who committed serious sins in their previous birth and as a punishment have been made monitors of the class. In other words, they are also people who are hated by almost all in the classroom. #LifeOfAStudent Post 5 is about these unfortunate people.

One might think that the students who are chosen as monitors belong to the class teacher's good books. But, ask me about it and I'll say that the teachers hold a special grudge against the students whom they choose as monitors!

The bell rings and the students breathe a sigh of relief since the period has just got over. But, the joy's momentary. The moment you turn back or lean to one side to talk to your friend, you'll hear a blunt voice say, "Don't talk!" or worse one of your classmates will ask you to look at the black board where your name will be etched in chalk. What's worse? The handwriting's going to be illegible and more often your name is going to misspelled.

And then you'll stare at the monitor with narrowed eyes but with no effect on her/him. You'll have to sit quiet for quite some time before that unsympathetic person would rub your name off! You breathe a sigh of  relief again. The teacher has entered the class. You again turn back or lean to one side to talk to your friend and this time you hear another voice, a sharper one, say. "Don't talk!". The first thought that comes to your mind then is, "When are we supposed to talk then?".

But, why would anyone like to be a monitor?
You'll have to mind the class even if your throat's sore, shout on top of the voice, get strange looks from the students and be an object of hatred for them, carry books and papers to and from the staff room and blah blah blah. The worst part is that you yourself can't talk because that's when the teacher's comment comes flying towards you, "The monitor herself is talking!". :P

There is also another negative aspect about being the monitor. You forgot that you were supposed to solve the problems of page number 56 and its only when you reach the school that you realise. The other students are smart enough to do all the pending work in that short period of time that they get in between two classes. But, if you are the monitor, you'll have to mind or carry the notebooks to the staff room once the class gets over! Poor you! :P

The class is shouting. You are shouting too. But, who cares about your shouting? A teacher from the adjacent classroom peeps in through the back door to check what's going on. Angrily she would ask the names of all those students who were shouting. As a monitor you'll blurt out the first names that come  to your mind(Here, you can make use of your power and tell the names of those students whom you don't like. Smart, huh? Thank me!). The named students are asked to get out of the class 'immediately'. When you look at their eyes glaring at you, while they are moving out of their classrooms, you realise that you've made a few enemies today. :P

The worst part of having your friend as the monitor is that in order to be unbiased towards you, she'll start behaving against you! :P But, there are plus points too! Your name will never reach the teacher for disobedience or talking! :P

I know all this because I've not just had my friends as monitors but I've also had the experience of being one (once i had remained the monitor for almost a year)!

Every class has a monitor or two. And so monitors are an inevitable part of a student's life.  I think with all the above points, I've been successful in making you believe that monitors seriously are unfortunate people. So, you still in for becoming one? :P

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