Thursday 30 May 2013

#LifeOfAStudent Post 17 : Subjects I

It's time we talk about the subjects(and the teachers that teach them) we are taught at school 'cause this time, next year, I'll get rid of some that I don't like. :P This post also happens to be the fourth last under #LifeOfAStudent series as I plan to end it with 20 posts. Let's get started... :D

Maths : It may sound weird to the majority of 6.974 billion people living on this planet, but I like Mathematics. It's not an easy subject. To be honest, not everything about maths is interesting. I totally hate making graphs and histograms. I gives me a neck ache in the end. I dislike proving things, especially, when we're working with trigonometrical identities. And it's a pain to prove two lines parallel or perpendicular to each other 'cause when you look at the diagram, it looks pretty obvious to me. :P But, then I like some things too. I love commercial maths. It's  fun. I also like algebra as long as we're not talking about expanding(I find that very boring). I love trigonometry in general and heights and distances using trigonometrical ratios. Sometimes, I feel like proving stuff. When you are about to reach that final step, you get a rush of adrenaline that no other subject can promise you. That makes maths special. And besides, it's a scoring subject if you work hard and don't get nervous.
The maths teachers are interesting people. It's like they know each and every sum in the world. There's a thing with maths teachers and silence. They just need it to work. They get irked when we're not quiet. And you'll get thrown out if you continue to talk. :P There's also some grudge that these teachers have against the blackboard. Very often, you would find them complaining that the board's rough. I thought they were crazy until one day I went up to the board to solve a problem. God! After completing the sum I kept pulling my fingers.

Physics : Physics is probably very closely related to maths. They are probably best buddies. There's no physics without maths. I like physics but then there are some things that I don't like about it. I don't like chapters on atmospheric pressure because they remind me of geography(and I am not very fond of geography) and on force and work(I just find them dull). I love everything related to electricity and magnetism. They're exciting and really really good!
Physics teachers are generally maths teachers too. So, they are pretty intelligent. I've had some really awesome physics teachers over the years. They all gave us a good understanding of the chapter and it's nice that way. But, there's just one problem : They are all very serious(all the time)! :P

Biology : I love this subject. I always have and continue to do. It is the most interesting subject because you'll find a reason or a cause behind every statement. You'll discover something new and interesting every time you open your biology book(You'll have to open it). I don't like the part of the book concerned with plants so I avoid reading that unnecessarily. :P But, I love learning about the human body. You may find it boring but had you not read biology, you wouldn't have known why does your heart beat shoot up when you spot a bull heading towards you, why do your teeth start chattering in winter and so many other things.
Biology teachers are awesome too. My biology teacher in 7th used to give so much of extra information that there was not a single blank space in my book! Actually, every biology teacher's going to do that! Your grey cells just have handle the info well... ;)

Chemistry : To be honest, I hate this subject! I just like the chapters related to study of acids, metallurgy and electrolysis. But, I hate everything else. It's boring! All that this subject requires is that you mug up everything from valencies to reactions. I am sorry for the extremely biased opinion of this subject but I feel that this subject offers no reason behind things like the other science subjects.
Chemistry teachers are funny and sometimes, what they say flies straight over my head! But, they too abound in information and it's nice to listen to them. But, my like for chemistry never comes back home with me. In fact, I didn't like it even before we had it as a separate subject. I remember hating that chapter in my class 6 science book which was a tiny introduction to chemistry.

So, just 4 subjects for today. Will come back with some more in the next few posts. Good bye! Keep reading!

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