Tuesday 7 May 2013

#LifeOfAStudent Post 4 : Eating illegally

Students are bound to do illegal things! It's like breaking rules gives us a certain pleasure that nothing else can equal. Now, let me make this clear again. In the above sentence, I was talking about the general category of students. I am an exception because breaking rules makes me frantic with the worry of getting caught! :P
So, my third post under #LifeOfAStudent is about one of the(many) things that students illegally do : Eating in the class room!

There is a feeble noise of something getting opened. You know, immediately, that someone's opened the lunch box. The air now smells of the food item contained in it. Then the guessing game begins! "Where is the smell coming from?", is the first question. When we spot the culprit, the first sentence should have ideally been, "Why are you eating in the classroom? Its not allowed!", but, you can't expect words like that coming out of our mouths. The first sentence is "Planning it to eat it all by yourself? Give it to us idiot!". And then the passing of lunch boxes begin. It is an art, you know, to pass the lunch box from one part of the classroom to another without the teacher having any idea. Let me take you through the steps involved :

Step 1 : Figure out the best possible way of getting the lunch box from your friend or classmate who's eating.
Step 2 : Ask her to give it to the nearest boy/girl.
Step 3 : You'll have to do a bit of bargaining with the ones who'll be transporting the lunch box as they are likely to smuggle in some food while passing it to the next person and you'll be left with nothing in the end. Make sure the box doesn't remain with them for too long. You can do that by repeatedly asking them to pass.
Step 4 : You've got the priced possession in your hands. But, the teacher's right in front of you. How would you take in the food? Go and ask this question to any one from standard six and above and they'll laugh at you. But, I'll be sympathetic enough to share with you the secret of eating food in the classroom : Pretend to lay your head on the table. Fiddle with your pencil and then accidentally drop it on the floor. Make sure you drop it right under your bench! Make an exasperated expression on your face and bend down to pick up the pencil. While your head is down, take in the food.
Step 5 : Swallow the entire thing up before you get up again. Your mouth should be clean, with no tits and bits stuck in your teeth. And most importantly, make sure you do actually pick up the pencil! :P

And with that the mission gets completed. Your stomach might not have been satisfied but your heart always is! After all, this is regarded as one of the most daring things to do(at least I regard it so).

It is illegal, no doubt. But, everyone enjoys it! You know what is better than secretly eating food in class? Looking at those people who are desperately trying to eat without getting noticed! :P They are hilarious to look at, seriously! :D

Its a good thing to do if you're stomach is growling like a bear and even if its not. We don't need a reason to eat. And we definitely don't need a reason to eat in class! :P

Beware : Sometimes the teachers do catch you eating. In that case its just not your day! :P

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