Sunday 12 May 2013

#LifeOfAStudent Post 8 : New admissions

When you walk into your classroom and find a crowd gathered around a particular bench and a few other students pointing or looking in that direction, you should realise that your class has just got a new student! :P The 8th post(can you believe it?) revolves around new admissions. 

New students are always an object of curiosity for the old ones. We see a new face and we immediately start thinking of ways of talking to him/her. Most of the students encircle the new admission. Fortunately, I've never had that experience of being surrounded by strange faces on my first day in a new school. 

What are the common questions that new students have to answer? Here, are a few examples :
1. What is your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. Why did you come here? : Now, this one's a funny question. What do you mean when you ask why did i come here? That makes you sound so not friendly.
4. A little too competitive students like me would ask : What was your percentage last year? :P I know I shouldn't do that. But, who wouldn't like to make sure that their position is secured? :P

Now, there are some who wouldn't directly come and talk to you. They will, by underhand means, try and acquire information. Why? I am not going to eat you up! 
But, here's the truth : I too do that sometime(Okay, fine! All the time) :P

There are lots of negative points about being a new student. But, I'll just talk about one of them and that is that every single period, you'll have to stand up and introduce yourself. The students are the actual culprits. The moment the teacher's inside the class, they will scream out loud, "There's a new student in the class!"(As if it is giving them immense joy!). And then the teacher will ask, "Where?". The new student will have to stand up and smile(no matter how unwillingly) and answer the teacher's queries(they are the same questions such as those asked by the students). -_- 

Another thing about new students is that they remain new students for almost an entire year! 

I joined a new school a month ago. It is awkward but you can't help it. But, here are some handy tips :
1. Be polite
2. Talk with everyone who approaches and you too 'go' and talk to some people
3. Try and make a good impression on the teachers(it always helps)
4. Stick around with good girls/boys... It may be hard to understand who's a good company at first, but you'll eventually know...

I know when my family members(especially my mum and aunt) read this post, they are going to say, "You too ought to follow the second step", 'cause the truth is I never follow my second rule(or rather, the second part of it). :P

If you're a new-comer, I know it can be hard, but you'll have to adjust(I am so going to listen to these sentences again from mum and my aunt today). :P

Well, it's obvious, isn't it that we love new students? For some unknown reason, we're always excited to have new admissions in our class! I am sure most of you will agree! 

With that I wrap up my 8th post(I still can't believe it) under #LifeOfAStudent. But, here's a funny quote for you : 
“Once in a while our school has half days, and the teachers spend the afternoon 'in service,' which I think must be a group therapy for having to deal with us.” :D :D
― Neal Shusterman, Bruiser

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